Tomorrow morning I fly out of Kwajalein, leaving my home of the past two years.
This evening I biked and walked around the entire island for the last time, and I was overwhelmed much more than I thought I would be by memories of my life here. At almost every sight at least one memory came to mind, reminding me of mostly good times, often bringing tears to my eyes.
Last night my neighbors and friends threw me a going away party, with Dungeness crab and ham as the main entrees. I was overcome by everyone’s kindness and the amount of people who were there (granted, it was excellent food!). It hasn’t quite sunk in that I’m leaving for good, but it is starting to.
In the midst of my excitement for my next adventure in New Zealand, it is very bittersweet to be moving from Kwaj, and I think I will miss it more than I think.
As I look out on the same view I have had every morning (photo), I still feel so blessed with having had this wonderful opportunity and taking it. What a beautiful place. Maybe I’ll come visit again someday.
My last evening here now I will spend again with friends and acquaintances in the courtyard. Then it’s up early for my flight. So long, Kwajalein! I trust my next adventure will be all that I hope for and more.
“Air Transport 440 heavy, runway six, winds zero-six-zero at fifteen, cleared for takeoff!” Aloha a hui hou, Rebekah (goodbye until we meet again)!
Aloha Chuck! And I guess you never know where you might run into former Kwajies!
Hon it’s not a going away party it’s a PCS party! And I’m pretty sure Chuck is still in Huntville which, unless I miss my guess is an 8159.3 mile “running into” distance from Wellington… 😛